Priority Area 4: Maternal & Infant Health
Any kind of overview of this one would be good to add.
A description here would be good as well, to keep things similar to the other pages

2023-2026 ACTION STEPS
Key measures: Preterm Births; Breastfeeding Rates at Hospital Discharge; Infant Mortality
Support Breastfeeding
- Increase the rate of women who exclusively breastfeed at hospital discharge
Ensure Safe Sleep for Infants
- Ensure families that have the highest need have access to safe sleep environments for their infants
Provide Smoke-Free Environments
- Explore the feasibility of expanding a Moms Quit for 2, and a father’s program to the Moms Quit for 2 Program in Allen County
Increase Referrals to Services
- Increase the percentage of eligible women or children who receive support services
Prevent Maternal Mortality
- Provide training on urgent prenatal and post birth warning signs
Why it’s important in Allen County
During their last pregnancy within the past five years, Allen County women experienced the following:
Got a prenatal appointment in the first 3 months (49%)*
Took a multi-vitamin with folic acid during pregnancy (68%)*
Received WIC benefits (11%)*
Received opioid replacement therapy (3%)*