Priority Area 3: Supports for Healthy Living
Chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are major health problems in Allen County.
We want to make it easier for people to be healthy by making changes to our policies and surroundings by improving options to walk or bike to destinations, increase affordable healthy food choices, and create environments that are free from tobacco.
We want to build upon existing efforts to improve wellness and prevent chronic diseases in our community by making long-term changes to policies and helping Allen County residents lead healthier lives.

2023-2026 ACTION STEPS
Key measures: Coronary Heart Disease, Diagnosed Diabetes, Food Stamps (SNAP); Obesity; Active Transportation to Work; Cigarette Smoking Prevalence
Increase Access to Healthy Food
- Assist with SNAP enrollments for people who qualify.
- Increase access to fresh produce.
- Expand the Green Prescription program.
- Create a new resource that will increase access to healthy food in a high need community.
Support Tobacco Free Living
- Develop capacity for infrastructure, education, and evaluation.
Support Tobacco Free Living - Increase referrals to and participation in tobacco cessation services.
- Reduce youth vaping.
Create Healthy Environments
- Create environments that support healthy businesses, schools, child care centers, neighborhoods, and faith communities through Activated Challenges
Ensure Children have a Healthy Start in Life
- Increase the percentage of children who receive at least one well child visit by age 15 months
- Protect children from serious childhood illnesses
Support Healthy Lifestyles through Chronic Disease Self-Management
- Provide evidence-based chronic disease self-management programs.
Why it’s important in Allen County
One in five (21%) of adults ate 0 servings of fruits (16%) or vegetables (5%) per day.
Nearly three-fourths (73%) of Allen County adults were either overweight (34%) or obese (39%) by Body Mass Index (BMI). *
34% of residents have been diagnosed with high blood pressure.*
Almost one-fifth (18%) of Allen County adults are current smokers,* increasing to 44% of adults with annual incomes less than $25,000.